IaaS, PaaS, SaaS

Cloud Services
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Infrastructure as a Service

This service offered by cloud providers typically consists of servers, computers (virtual or dedicated hardware), other networking features and data storage in the cloud. Organizations can use the cloud infrastructure to design their own User Interface (UI) by accessing resources as needed through the cloud API, customize and deploy their applications. This model provides the highest level of flexibility and management control to the organizations.

Examples of IaaS are Google compute engine, Microsoft Azure IaaS offerings and AWS Instances

Platform as a Service

PaaS is similar to IaaS, with an added bonus of getting the Operating system and databases provided by the Cloud owner. The organization is still responsible for the applications, functions and data. This model helps organizations focus on their application without worrying about resource procurement, capacity planning, patching, or any of the other heavy lifting with infrastructure maintenance.

Examples of PaaS are AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Google App Engine and Azure CDN

Software as a Service

Software as a Service offers a complete software solution to the organizations, eliminating the need to worry about anything other than writing the code. The service provider manages the hardware and software, allowing organizations to get up and running quickly

Chances are very high that you’re using a SaaS application already. Common examples are GSuite apps (Gmail, Google docs), Office 365 and Dropbox


What is a Cloud


Cloud Security